Sanity and Striving

The year is 2020.

Civilization as we know it has crumbled. Predictably.

The evils of Russo-American enmity following World War II have haunted human life on Earth. The ghosts of our collective past threaten, as never before they have, to destroy us. We listen to them cackle as we pick the scraps from each others’ bones.

Systemic injustice and disregard for the vessels of our spirit have lead us to be afflicted with a despicable moral meekness which our God-fearing forebears would find too foul a fate even to fathom.

We horde, and we glower, and cower in fear of forces we know to be conspired against us, but which tell us mistruths, bold-faced and happily, through teeth set ever-gnashed against our needs.

Power tells us it protects.

Power lies.

And we buy.

We buy like we never will be allowed to buy again.

Like money isn’t just a tool for carrying out a trade of goods.

We buy money. That’s how much we love buying… and money.

We use dollars to buy Euros, to buy Yen, to buy dollars; and then dollars to buy hearts and minds, so the cycle of buying can begin again.

The trouble with writing an honest perception of the year 2020 is that to describe it accurately, one must adopt the tone and temper of a mad-person.

The Man exists.

He does not want us to succeed.

And yet we must.

That, “And yet we must,” is the keystone argument left from the ravings of madness.

It keeps us sane.
It keeps the world from stopping turning.
It banishes the dark and brings forth, once more, a dawn.

“And yet we must” ensures we do.

Forevermore. Or at least until death does us part.


Response to Rights

